
Bois Larmé


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- story by MaterialDistrict

Wood reinforced with metals forming tears. Creation of “rapid ornaments” intimately marrying a veneer of fine essence and a non-ferrous sheet such as aluminum, brass, bronze or copper. It makes the wood more resistant to abrasion and impact. The grids can be printed in 3D in order to control the patterns, dimensions, colours and relief.

After sanding, the grid partially reappears on the surface, creating patterns that can be regular or more erratic, depending on the desired aesthetic. There are two possible results with the process. The wood can cover the grid or be drilled, offering an alternative to the bad-relied sculptures. This technique also allows curved parts.

Curved parts can be manufactured as well. The maximum achievable area is 2000 x 1000 mm. The thinnest thickness is 2mm. Dark species of wood gray the wood when sanding.

Material Properties